Thursday, October 23, 2014

Surviving Finals 101

I just finished all of my end of the quarter finals, and somehow I survived. With seven classes and five finals, this week has been insane.  On top of that, it was the last week of my high school volleyball, so add all of the studying and excitement together, and that creates one stressful week. There are a few tips that you should follow so you can ace your tests, and still get all of the beauty sleep you need. Sounds impossible right? It takes sacrifices like giving up Netflix for a while, but it's worth it.

Study Tips- After school, I don't suggest you immediately study, because I know I like a little break for about thirty minutes before going back to academics. For everyone currently involved in a after school sport or activity, it makes this a lot more difficult, but I start studying immediately after practice. I like to start by studying the class I already have the lowest grade in. Therefore if I am not able to study everything that night, at least I have a chance to raise my grade. Study each subject by reading the notes or a specific study guide. It also helps if you have a parent or older sibling to clarify and help explain to you what you are learning. What really helps me the most is quizlet. That is by far the most fun and efficient way to learn vocabulary and terms in my opinion. Everyone has their own ways of studying, but these things are just what help me the most.

GO TO SLEEP!- Even though you want to stay up all night studying, that will not help you on your test. First of all, it is very hard trying to remember the formula for slope-intercept form at 2 am when you are half asleep. Also, you are going to be exhausted during the test and that may contribute to lowering your score.  Basically, GO TO SLEEP EARY.

The Dreaded Morning- While I am doing my makeup or getting ready, I will usually end up studying at that time too because I am so nervous. It does keep all of the information fresh in your head if you have a test first period. For clothes, keep it comfy. Finals week is the one week when I wear sweats, leggings, Uggs or Jesus sandals literally everyday. I think it makes a pretty big difference when you can comfortably take a test. Last important thing to do in the morning is to eat a large and healthy breakfast so you can stay focused all day. Also, if you can study in an elective class that you may have like Sage and I did in journalism, trust me it will help you out a lot for your next class.

Finals week is so stressful and I hope these tips will ease the pain a little. If you have a way to study that's been working, stick with it, but hopefully some of these will help. Good luck on all of your tests!

Currently my desk.

Monday, October 20, 2014

$20 Makeup Challenge

If you watch all of the "beauty blogger's" on YouTube like I do,  you are probably familiar with the $20 makeup challenge. It is pretty self explanatory, you have twenty dollars and you try to complete a full face makeup look. This is actually very helpful for middle school and high school girls when they can't afford high end makeup. I save up my money for a car, and I don't want it to slowly go away because I wanted the newest foundation from Sephora. Almost everything in this look is from Walmart, so keep in mind this isn't necessarily the prettiest makeup possible, but it sure is cheap.

All of the makeup used in the challenge.
Foundation- L'orèal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream ($7.96)
Concealer- NYC Cover Stick ($1.99)
Bronzer- NYC "Sunny" Bronzer ($2.59)
Mascara- Maybelline Great Lash ($3.97)
Eyeliner- L.A. Colors Eyeliner ($1)
Eyebrows- ELF Lash and Brow Clear Gel ($1)
Lips- NYC Liquid Lipshine ($1.49)

Total- $20 even

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Ultimate Staycation

In Utah, we get a five day break from school and call it UEA. I have friends going to California, Florida, and even one person is going to Argentina. During the weekend, Spring Break, or any day you don’t have school, sometimes it’s nice to do more than watch netflix with friends. If your parents are making you stay home this break, I have some great ideas on how you can make this break, or even any weekend feel like a vacation. 

Spa Day-When all of my friends are on vacation and I have already watched seven episodes of Desperate Housewives, I like to switch it up a little and create a spa day for myself. That usually consist of fancy water, face masks, nail painting, and of course a relaxing bubble bath. I enjoy making my own face mask to give me something else to do. My personal favorite is the rose face mask because it is super easy and can really help out your skin. I like to play the spa radio on pandora, make some cucumber-mint water and take a candle lit bubble bath with my soothing face mask on. 

Be a Tourist- Wherever you may live, I'm sure there is something beautiful to see and something exciting to do. If a tourist came to the town you live, what would they do? In Park City, Utah where I live, in the fall people come to hike, stay at the lodges, and eat at the amazing restaurants. If you can get a family member to join you, act like you have never been there before and take in the beautiful scenery.

Guardsman's Pass is a beautiful area to hike in Park City

Whatever you end up doing for your stay cation, try to unplug from the digital world, to will be worth it.