Friday, March 27, 2015

March Favorites

March is coming to an end and I cannot believe I survived the most painful month of the year. The quarter ending and having no breaks is nearly impossible to survive through. Because of my excitement, I want to share my favorite things from the month of March.

Photo from
Brass Plum Sweats- I love these sweat pants because they are so comfy you can go to be in them, plus they are so cute that you can wear them to school.
Vans sk8 Hi Shoes- I ordered these shoes and they haven't come yet but I am super excited. I've seen other people with these in black but not white, so I decided to try the white. They lo
ok super cute with just about any outfit.
Vance Joy-I've talked about this before on my blog, but I absolutely love all of Vance Joy. Playing his radio on Pandora is great music to help you relax a little before bed.
Frank Ocean- He is another great singer with a mixture of a little rap but also contemporary. Beauty-
Clinique High Impact Mascara- Not many people use this mascara and I can't figure out why. It is a great mascara that is natural looking with one coat and you can easily build upon it.
L'Orèal Magic BB Cream- This has great coverage and matches your skin color perfectly.

Trader Joes- Most places have a Trader Joes nearby, and because Utah just got one, I have been making many visits. Everything there is natural and nothing there ever tastes fake. They have such a wide variety of options there and all of it is incredibly tasty.
Hugo Coffee- Being a basic white girl, I love my Starbucks, but Hugo Coffee is a great place to go to support a local business. Obviously not everyone lives in Park City, UT where Hugo is, but going to any local coffee shop is a great place to get homework done.

Photo from

All of the REN products have been working wonders on my skin. I use the Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk, Evercalm Global Protection Day Cream, and The Vita Mineral Omega 3 Serum. If you have sensitive or dry skin, I highly suggest these products.
"Just Another Blog"
"Head in the Clouds"
"Beauty Bets"

Monday, March 23, 2015

Netflix Reviews

If you spent your free time after school watching Netflix, it's normal. At least for this generation of teenagers. I'm super guilty of this and sometimes let it get in the way of my school work. So if your like me and looking for something new on Netflix, keep reading to learn about some of my all-time favorites on Netflix.
American Horror Story photo from:

Bob's Burgers photo from:

The Vampire Diaries photo from:

TV Series-

*American Horror Story- I can't say enough good things about this show. It is hands down my favorite thing to watch on Netflix which is a very bold statement. I've re-watched it plenty of times and couldn't be more excited for the fourth season, Freak Show, to be available.

*Bob's Burgers- This is a classic show that never gets old. I love every single character on this show and I probably watch it way more than I should. It is so funny with only 20 ish minute episodes that you don't have to watch in order.

Vampire Diaries- I have just started this show and currently loving it. It's the perfect combination of horror, romance, comedy and drama. This is defiantly a show I binge watch to the point of staying up till twelve a.m. on a school night.

White Chicks photo from:
School of Rock photo from:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off photo from:
Comedies- I love a classic comedy movie. One thats not all focused around love, but makes you want to watch it over and over again and just keeps getting funnier and funnier.

White Chicks-  Some may call this movie "stupid" or "dumb" and it actually kind of is, but it's stupid and dumb in the best way possible. Two undercover cops dressing up as a basic white girl for the weekend? Yes, this is defiantly a must watch.

School of Rock- I've loved this movie since I saw it when I was about six years old. No matter how many times I watch it, I always end up laughing out loud even when I'm alone.

Ferris Bueller's Day off- This movie is such a classic and all I really have to say about it is if you haven't seen it, watch it asap.

Horror- I watch horror movies on Netflix more than anything. I've probably watched around 70% of the horror movies available on Netflix, and honestly, it's pretty hard to find a good one. To save you some time, here are some of my personal favorites.

Grave Encounters photo from:
Devil photo from:
Insidious Chapter 2 photo from:
Grave Encounters 1 and 2- These two movies are hands down my favorite scary movies of all time. I've never heard anyone else talk about these movies other than those that I watched it with and I can't figure out why. They are both so realistic and keep you biting your nails the whole film.

Devil- Being trapped in an elevator sounds pretty terrifying, but imagine being suck in there with one of the six people possessed by the devil. This one is so scary to me because of how realistic they make it. This movie gets scary immediately, and great to watch with a few friends at a sleepover like I did with Emma.

Insidious Chapter 2- I saw this one in theater which may be why it scared me so badly, but you must see this immediately if you are into scary movies. It is defiantly one that will stick with you and be in the back of your mind when you're home alone at night.

*= mentioned in some of my previous blog posts

How to "Deal With It"

Everyone knows that one person. The one person that stresses them out beyond belief. The person that has made you stay up all night or cry or even make you want to quit. For me, this person happens to be one of my teachers. I also got super lucky and have a coach that I just can't deal with. This past month, I've really let these people get to me. Its effected my sleep, grades and certainly my attitude. I never thought that someone could put me down so much. I consider these people to be bullying me which may sound a little ridiculous, but they both are. Over the past few days I've finally figured out how to deal with these people.

My best advice is to just forget about them. In most situations, you will be done with them eventually. When my coach yells at me, all I think is "I only have one more week of this," and with my teacher, I just think "Only one more quarter of dealing with her."

Bullying photo from
Another thing that I learned this week that is incredibly important is stand up for yourself. If this person hurts your feelings and puts you down, they are a bully. We are always taught to stand up to the bully, so do it even if they are an adult. I'm usually a pretty quiet person in class and do what I'm told, but I stood up for myself and fixed a huge problem with my teacher. I know it sounds scary, but just try it, it could make all of the difference.

This may seem like the opposite of what I just said but I promise it's not. You need to do what they tell you and do it right. If your coach is yelling at you or even making fun of you for how you do something, just take a deep breath and do it. It won't hurt you and it will make them happy to see you doing it right. But if what they are telling you

Now this may sound like a bad idea, but getting parental involvement may help. I totally understand not wanting to do this because of the fear your "bully" will treat you worse. But talking to a principal or manager or whoever it may be, can really help you. The person bothering you may have no other option but to fix their behavior, cause if they don't, they may get in a lot of trouble.

Photo from:
In the end, the best thing to do is just take a deep breath and try to forget about them. Relax, take a bath and drink some tea and do what ever you can to not let them get to you. A bully is someone who has power over you, so don't let them have that power.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dating: 15 things to not do

I think we all know relationships at this age don't usually work out. Even though we all think that, we still do it. From personal experiences and friends, I know things that you shouldn't do while dating.

Photo From
1) DONT SAY YES IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIM-  I can't stress this enough. If you don't like him or don't know him well enough, TELL HIM.
2) Skip the awkward movie date- Movies are so awkward with paying and the classic arm around the girl. Skip it and do something more exciting.
3) Don't go swimming- If you're a confident person, go for it! But if you wear a lot of makeup and curl your hair often or maybe if your insecure, I wouldn't go swimming.
4) Be careful where you eat- Sushi; hard and awkward to eat. Burgers: You may look a little weird with your mouth open that wide. Pizza: The perfect in-between.
5) Make sure they have good eyebrows- Eyebrows are everything
6) Don't forget your mints/gum/toothbrush- Bad breath is the worst thing possible, so avoid that at all costs.
7) The boy better be taller than you- Its more fun hugging a tall boy.
8) Don't tell your parents at first- I would wait a little until you know he's the right guy.
9) Don't make it awkward.- If you need to put conversation starters in your notes on your phone, do it.
10) Don't skip shaving- You never know what the night will bring, so shave your legs
11) Don't make it a big deal with your friends- Friends are the people that make everything awkward, so don't tell them every detail about the boy.
12) Don't fart/burp on the first date- I don't need to explain this one
13) Don't make him pay for everything- It's a kind gesture, but make sure he knows you want to pay too.
14) Don't be clingy- There is nothing more annoying then the classic clingy and creepy girlfriend. Give him space.
15) Don't get comfortable too fast- Don't show your super weird side until you get more comfortable.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get Ready Quickly in the Morning

We all have the nights where you watch an extra episode of Gossip Girl the night before, making the morning seem nearly impossible. When you sleep in a little too much, I have a few simple life hacks to help you get ready super quickly, but still make it look like you tried to look presentable in the morning.

This is an incredibly simple tip to that will help you get ready faster every single day. Instead of digging through your makeup bag every morning searching for small things like brushes or tweezers, lay it all out. I put every product I use in a cabinet in the order that I use them. I still have a makeup bag near with some products I like, but may not use everyday for school. This is also good to show you your different options in the morning so you can switch up your look, and not just wear the first thing you grab out of your bag. I usually keep two or three different brands/types of each product. For example, I have two mascaras, three eyeshadow pallets, a few concealers, etc. Also, keep a mason jar full of longer things like brushes and eyeliners. 
My cabinet full of my everyday/favorite makeup products. 

                  Get everything ready, at night-
Photo from

There are nights where you need to shower, finish homework, and pick out your outfit, but you decide to put it off until the morning. For me, I sleep so much better when I have everything done the night before, even if it does mean going to bed a lot later. Have your clothes and shoes out and ready, shower before bed, and pack your backpack before bed, just incase you accidentally over sleep. 

Keep it simple!

If you are the person who needs to look presentable everyday, throw on a light sweater with leggings and Uggs. If you want to have a lazy day, pick your favorite sweatshirt or T-Shrit and leggings. This is so quick and simple, plus everyone has their go to "lazy day" outfits.

If you are like me and have natural hair where you have to either straighten or curl your hair every day, there is a few solutions to speed up the process. My first suggestion is a simple side braid, or any braid. Your natural curl in your hair won't show, so there is no need to waste time with the straightener. Also, using a beach wave or sea salt spray defines your natural curl. I have mainly straight hair, but there is a little natural curl; when I use this spray, it makes it look like I have natural beach waves. It takes under a minute to style and gives you an effortless, yet beautiful look. Another plus about this product is there is plenty of options at the drug store for under five dollars. 

Photo from:

Friday, March 13, 2015

5 Easy After School Snacks

There are many store bought things to eat after school, but I find it much more fun to make a snack after school. I made every one of these after school to make sure they are super easy and achievable for the average teen.

1) Mac and Cheese-

My Mac and Cheese using
this recipe.
This one has been my go-to after school snack since I learned how to make it in the third grade. This one is a little more time consuming, but if you have time, it is worth it. I'm pretty sure this is the classic recipe, but here is how I've always made it:

Noodles: All you need to do is follow the instructions on your favorite noodles for mac and cheese. Elbow pasta is what I normally do, but penne and shells are also fun and tasty.

Sauce: Start with two tablespoons of butter in a pan. Once that is melted, add the same amount of flour, and quickly add around half a cup of milk. When that thickens, add a little more milk until it is a thick and creamy consistency. Add in shredded cheddar cheese to your liking. Put in the cooked pasta and you have the perfect Mac and Cheese.

2) Apple Sandwiches-

I love making these apple sandwiches because you can personalize them so much. All you do is slice an apple sideways with a hole in the middle where the core is so you have two pieces to act as the bread. Next, add your filling, either peanut butter, cookie butter, Nutella, or whatever sounds best to you. Add chocolate chips, coconut shavings, sprinkles, or keep it plain for the sides! This is fun to experiment with different flavors and decorations.

3) Smoothies-

All ingredients used in my smoothie
I'm sure I'm not the only one who forgets how delicious and healthy smoothies are and never makes them. As I am writing this I am drinking my absolute favorite smoothie, peanut butter banana. I took one banana, ice, a spoonful of Nutella, milk, and a few teaspoons of powdered peanut butter. I blended all of this with milk in my Magic Bullet blender to create a perfect, filling snack.

4) Tuna Melts-

There is only a few simple steps to follow to make some delicious tuna melts in under five minutes. Mix one can of tuna with two tablespoons of mayo. Add 1/2 teaspoon of dill and one stalk of chopped celery and set aside. Heat skillet over medium heat. Butter two slices of bread. Add 1/4 cup of the tea mixture to the unbuttered side of great and top with a slice of American cheese. Top with the other slice of bread, buttered side out. Cook in skillet until golden. Then, turn and cook other side until golden.

5) Quesadillas

You can make this one super simple or super complex, its up to you! If you don't have much time, put two tortillas with shredded cheese in the middle into the microwave for about a minute. If you want to go a little more gourmet, use a skillet with a little butter instead. It doesn't take much longer, but it makes a huge difference. You can add guacamole, salsa, taco sauce or anything you want to personalize this.

These recipes are things my mom always made me or I made up, but if there are some great ideas on the internet. Food Network is a great place to find delicious and easy recipes for after school snacks.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nail Tips-Pros and Cons

I wish I could be the girl that can go without nail polish and not mind it, but I am the opposite. I always need to have polish on, in fact I haven't had "naked nails" since the fourth grade when my obsession of nail painting began. There are a few ways to have your nails look good. All of them have the good things about them and yes, they all have some downsides. Here are some insight on all the kinds to find what best suits you.

Acrylic- I got acrylic nails for the first time last week and I absolutely love them. I got them done with my friend Alexis, and we had a few issues with the application process. It's all about where you get them done. We had an okay experience at California Nails in Redstone.
Pros- Last for a very long time, makes your nails longer, you get to pick your own length to your liking, and most importantly, no chipping.
Cons- Painful to get them on, weakens your nails when taken off, expensive, time consuming.
Gel- Gel nails are a great alternative for lazier people that don't want to re-do their nails often. It is a gel polish painted on in the color you want. Then you put it under a UV light for about a minute. When you take it out, another coat is applied and you repeat the process about five times.
Pros- No chipping, shiny, keeps the nail strong while on.
Cons- Expensive, weakens nails when taken off, and expensive.
My "polish station" kept in my
room with all my favorite nail colors. 
Paint/Polish- I have a full on nail rack in my room just for all of my polishes, clearly I have a slight obsession.
Pros- Cheap, easy, and you can either do it yourself or professional.
Cons- Chipping is really the only issue with painting your nails, but they chip so easily it becomes a big problem.
Glue on- These nails are super fun to have for about a week. You can buy them just about anywhere and all you need to do is keep the glue with you on at all times.
Pros- Cheap,  do it yourself, makes your nails look much longer, and fun designs to choose from.
Cons- Comes off easily, especially in PE (I know this from personal experience), doesn't last too long

If I had all the money and time in the world, I would pick Acrylic nails as my favorite. But sadly they were pretty expensive and took a really long time, so I won't be getting them done too often. I think having your nails painted is a super fun way to add a personalized touch to your outfit. I have always loved the looks of done up nails and I think its totally fine to occasionally splurge to make your nails look extra good.