Monday, November 10, 2014

Travel Makeup and Outfit + My Carry On Essentials

I am writing this blog post at five in the morning during a layover in North Carolina. I’m on my way to Costa Rica and super excited. I thought I would share with you some of my travel essentials for plane rides, long or short. 
This was taken during the sunrise in North Carolina

Carry On;
Hand Sanitizer- Airports have so many people in a confined space, and you never now what kind of sicknesses others have.  
Lotion- It can get very dry while in high altitude, you’ll be glad you brought some lotion. 
Lip Balm- With the dryness, your lips will probably end up getting chapped. 
Magazines/Reading Material- Long plane flights are always a good time to catch up on a book you've been wanting to read. 
Electronics- I brought my IPad, Nintendo DS, and of course my phone. Those things keep me the most entertained on long flights.
Homework- Even though you are on vacation, while on a plane, you might as well get started. 
Makeup Wipes- I had an overnight flight and didn’t want to sleep with all of my makeup on, so bring a pack of makeup wipes. 
Majority of what I brought on the plane.

I like to keep my makeup super simple while traveling, and it isn’t nessecary, but here is what I usually wear:

Fit Me concealer- Maybelline
Waterproof Pencil Eyeliner- Sephora 
Studio Carbon Pressed Powder- Mac

I always put comfy before cute when it comes to traveling. Sweats are a must for me no matter what, so I am wearing black sweatpants from my volleyball team. I paired that with a plain maroon top from American Eagle, and of course Jesus Sandals from Amazon. 
My suitcase and shoes.

Hopefully these things will be helpful for you and your future travels. I will be in Costa Rica for ten days, and will be back blogging after!