Friday, January 16, 2015

The Mental Aspect of Sports

I've been playing different sports my entire life: Gymnastics, Dance, Soccer, Tennis and mainly volleyball. There's not many things that those sport have in common, but they all need a positive mental game. I really figured out that this is important this year in high school volleyball. Being team captain on the Freshman team, and one of two freshman on the Junior Varsity team, I had to have a positive attitude. I had to stay positive and bring my team up even when the score was 2-20.

Something particular about being positive is keep in your mind what you want to do, no negative words. In soccer don't think to yourself, "Don't miss, don't miss," but "Goal." While serving in a game of volleyball, every single time I think "Ace" and never anything with negative words, because that is what your mind will be focusing on, causing you to mess up.

Another thing while playing a sport is to forget about your mistakes. Plenty of times I focus on what I did to mess up and I can't stop focusing on that, then your attitude goes down and you typically will bring your team down with you

Surrounding yourself with people you love for teammates makes all of the difference. I wouldn't be where I am with my wonderful teammates that I love so much. I don't think I would even still be involved in volleyball without my wonderful team. 

Obviously the physical ability is important too. In volleyball, you always need to be in your ready position, down low and ready for anything. This applies to many sports other than volleyball, you can always be ready. When you are low and focused it sets your mind and body to get ready for the game. 

Last, always be prepared. Jerseys, shoes, food and everything should always be prepared because if you're worried about those things, part of your mind will be focused on the things you need or what's going on after the game.

The biggest tip I have is stay focused, keep your eyes on the ball, and as Troy Boltin says, keep your head in the game.
Huddle with the JV team.
Warming up before my first high school home game on JV
With JV team waiting for the serve to come over. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Get Your Learners Permit

My blog is titled, "Freshman Survival Guide," so chances are if you're a freshman, you'll be getting your permit soon like I just did. Oh the process is not so fun, but the driving part sure is and trust me, it will be worth it. I failed the test my first time but ended up getting it on my second try, I'm going to share with you the things that worked for me to help you get your permit.

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This tip is obvious, but it is the best advice I can give, just study. What worked best for me was not reading out of the dull and boring book, but online tests. In fact, my mom grabbed me the wrong book, the one that teaches you how to drive semi trucks so that wasn't too helpful. With only taking the online tests, I think I did pretty well.

2) Practice-

I drove a lot before I got my permit, but mainly on roads without many other cars. I think its important to practice a little so the day you get your permit, you won't be driving a car for your first time. Also, there were a few questions on the test I wouldn't know without previously driving.

3) Talk-

Having an older sister that's a senior and being best friends with a junior really helped me. My sister took the test 4 times so she knew what she was talking about and the questions that could be on the test. I highly suggest talking to someone who has their permit about what to expect and see their tips and tricks.

4) Don't get too confident-

Yes, confidence is key, but don't expect to know the questions on the test. There was a question asking about motorcycle insurance in other states, and I'm expecting not many people know that without learning it. The questions really do vary and you may get lucky. I also got a question that had a picture of a stop sign with the "Stop" blurred out. So some are incredibly easy and some are just random.

How to prevent failing more than once:

I assumed the test I was going to take the next day after not passing would be completely different, was so wrong. The test was almost identical. At the end of the test they show you the questions you got wrong, so got through them! It will help so much if your test was anything like mine because all you have to do is memorize a few answers.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2014 Favorties

Most people are saying, "Wow I can't believe it's already 2015! 2014 went by so fast!" but I think 2014 lasted long enough. I'm ready for 2015 to be one of my favorite years. I want to share with you some of my favorite products in 2014 from beauty to music to travel.

2014 was the year I realized I have an unhealthy addiction to makeup and beauty products. Therefore, I experimented with plenty of products and have some favorites to share.

Naked Flushed Palette- I've mentioned this before in some one my blog posts, I absolutely love this for its blush, bronzer and highlighter. It's great for traveling because its really compact but still has enough product.
Kat Von D Ink Liner- I've tried a lot of liquid eye liners and this one is by far the best one to make the  perfect wing. The tattoo liner is also good, but I find a felt tip easier to apply then a brush tip.
Bobbie Brown eyeshadow in Taupe- This is what I use to fill in my eyebrows and it is the perfect color for my hair. I had it laying around and decided to use that instead of buying a new expensive eye pencil.

Travel- Traveling is one of my absolute favorite things to do, so here are some of my favorite places I visited.

Costa Rica- This one is pretty obvious. It's the farthest I've ever been from home in Utah and by far the most beautiful area. The food, animals, people, scenery, absolutely everything about that country was breathtaking.
This was taken on the plane, and
according to the flight attendant we were over Cuba. 

My sister Sierra and I loved the beautiful view
from the infinity pool.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming- My family has been going to Jackson since before I was born; My parents were married there, we have a family cabin, and some of my extended family lives there. It is similar to Park City, but different enough so you know you're on vacation. We stayed in a cabin-like hotel room in Colter Bay, and it was such a fun and adventurous trip. Also, we spent one night camping in TeePees on the side of the Snake River as part of a white water river rafting trip.There is some incredible wildlife there, great food, and plenty of outdoor activities.
Snapchat- This one is pretty obvious and it's been a favorite of mine for a few years. I'm on snapchat pretty often, and such a fun way to talk to friends.
Vine- I've had vine for a while but this year I've really become addicted. I spend too much time just laying in my bed laughing out loud alone because of the dumb and hilarious vines.
Music- I've really been enjoying listening to music lately, and in 2014 I found some great songs and artist.

Vance Joy- I began listening to his music after the song "Rip Tide" became my favorite around October. I started listening to his radio on Pandora and have learned to love almost all of his music.
Photo Courtesy:  

Beyoncè- I know for a fact I'm not the only teenage girl that fell in love with Beyoncé this year. It was more in the beginning of 2014 when I went through an obsession as most girls did. "Drunk in Love," "Flawless," and "Partition" were my favorites. Honestly I overdid it and not a huge fan of those songs anymore because I listened to those songs constantly.
I watched way too much this year, so I have found a few shows and movies I love.

American Horror Story- Netflix has three of the four seasons on, Murder House, Asylum and Coven. My favorite was Murder House (I re-watched this season) then Asylum and then Coven. It is pretty scary but not too scary to watch alone like I did.
Gossip Girl- I was really obsessed with this show in the beginning of 2014. I never finished all the seasons because it was pretty much the same episode every time, but I really enjoyed it for the first two seasons.
Bob's Burgers- This is one of the funniest shows on Netflix, some people probably think it's stupid, and it kind of is but it is hilarious. It's also a show where you don't have to watch the previous episode so you can easily skip through.