Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dating: 15 things to not do

I think we all know relationships at this age don't usually work out. Even though we all think that, we still do it. From personal experiences and friends, I know things that you shouldn't do while dating.

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1) DONT SAY YES IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIM-  I can't stress this enough. If you don't like him or don't know him well enough, TELL HIM.
2) Skip the awkward movie date- Movies are so awkward with paying and the classic arm around the girl. Skip it and do something more exciting.
3) Don't go swimming- If you're a confident person, go for it! But if you wear a lot of makeup and curl your hair often or maybe if your insecure, I wouldn't go swimming.
4) Be careful where you eat- Sushi; hard and awkward to eat. Burgers: You may look a little weird with your mouth open that wide. Pizza: The perfect in-between.
5) Make sure they have good eyebrows- Eyebrows are everything
6) Don't forget your mints/gum/toothbrush- Bad breath is the worst thing possible, so avoid that at all costs.
7) The boy better be taller than you- Its more fun hugging a tall boy.
8) Don't tell your parents at first- I would wait a little until you know he's the right guy.
9) Don't make it awkward.- If you need to put conversation starters in your notes on your phone, do it.
10) Don't skip shaving- You never know what the night will bring, so shave your legs
11) Don't make it a big deal with your friends- Friends are the people that make everything awkward, so don't tell them every detail about the boy.
12) Don't fart/burp on the first date- I don't need to explain this one
13) Don't make him pay for everything- It's a kind gesture, but make sure he knows you want to pay too.
14) Don't be clingy- There is nothing more annoying then the classic clingy and creepy girlfriend. Give him space.
15) Don't get comfortable too fast- Don't show your super weird side until you get more comfortable.

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